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You Be The Bank. Com
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You know you are doing something wrong when your enemies become folk heroes like Robin Hood.
Address1270 Jasmine St Denver, CO 80220-2711
Phone(303) 355-0550
The Four Pillars of Every Successful Personal Economy
Third Pillar - Whether you face a disability, employment concerns, a family crisis, uninsured medical or long-term care costs, unplanned expenses or any other financial challenge, you'll have money in your EUREKONOMICS account to handle it.

Ten Economic Blunders from History - Blunder #2

Wednesday, July 07, 2010 by John S. Chamberlain
Take cover when you hear a political leader talking about economic affairs. You can bet a bad decision is incoming. Luckily for the leaders, their meddling usually has a slow, erosive effect on the economy. Every so often, however, the great ones manage to land a real whopper that takes them down along with their whole country. Here are ten examples from history.
2. Shearing the English Wolf
You know you are doing something wrong when your enemies become folk heroes like Robin Hood. Common sense is to tax the weak and give money to the strong, but after his failure in forestry policy King John of England decided to try the reverse. He relieved the knights of the realm from their military service requirements, but then ordered them to pay instead a hefty "scutage" (shield) tax. Soon, there were 10,000 Robin Hoods trying to kill him and going about it in an organized fashion. Signing the humiliating Magna Carta in 1215 bought him some time, but by the next year he was living on the lam. After his folly-won treasure was washed away in a mistimed river crossing, he went crazy and died soon after.

EUREKONOMICS TM is the unique 21st Century system for creating personal wealth and managing personal finances that the book Money Now, Money Later, Money for Life! How to Thrive in Good Times and Bad describes in detail.

Income you don't have to work for and you can't outlive

A legacy to pay forward to those you care about

o gets its pizzazz from EUREKA-an exciting Greek word made famous by the scientist Archimedes who ran naked through the streets of Athens exclaiming EUREKA! ("I found it!") after solving a particularly thorny scientific problem while bathing
o gets its power from economics- a discipline that creates wealth but falls short on the excitement meter and sends people running-for a different reason.
When these two words combine into EUREKONOMICSTM they bring new excitement to the process of creating personal wealth and new science to managing personal finances.
For the past few decades, the pundits, the government, Wall Street, and popular economists have narrowly defined Americans as mere consumers. To their way of thinking, Americans are pawns in an economic system that the Behemoths-big government, big financial institutions, big unions, big lobbyists like AARP, big community organizations like ACORN-designed to make Behemoths wealthy and powerful while restricting everyday Americans and their families to the role of mere consumers.
EUREKONOMICSTM changes all that.
EUREKONOMICSTM re-endows the individual and the American family with the economic power and pizzazz to ...
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The financial principles that have made America the envy of the world are clear and simple.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Liberty and the blessings of liberty are both the cause and the effect of America's financial success. Liberty derives from the ability of individual Americans to engage in "the pursuit of happiness" and is sustained by their success in doing so.

Ten Economic Blunders from History - Blunder #1
Life Insurance activity up 1.2 % in January
Americans and American Small Businesses Are Still At Risk.

Buy the Book Now!
Learn how to gain control of the money that flows through your life and Thrive in the 21st Century

Medicare Recipients and AARP Members Beware


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