Welcome! Woodrow Wilson Academy is a free K-8 Public School of Choice located in Westminster, CO, with a special satellite program for home school students. For more information about WWA, please explore the menu at the top of this page. If you're already a part of WWA, please use the menu at the left for information on what’s happening at the school and in your child's classroom.
Important events and information:
School Closure: Woodrow Wilson Academy follows the Jefferson County School Closure process. If the weather is severe enough for Jefferson County to close schools, our school will also be closed. This will be posted on all the major TV and Radio news outlets as well as on our website. Woodrow Wilson Academy will NOT be listed as a separate school closure. Just watch or listen for the Jefferson County School notice.
Wildcats for the Wright Cause Bake Sale. Thank you to the dozens of volunteer bakers and hundreds of other people who made the bake sale a sweet success. We're proud to announce that over $3500 was raised for Wildcats for the Wright Cause. Way to go WWA!
We are also proud to announce that WWA was the 4th highest fundraising school in Colorado and Wyoming last year for Pennies for Patients. Thank you to students, parents, and faculty for participating in this incredible event. We raised $4,403, which will make a difference in the fight against blood cancers. Woodrow Wilson Academy would like to congratulate 6th grader, Mara Strother, for winning the Colorado League of
The WWA Technology Lab page can be accessed by clicking here.
PaySchools is still available. If you would like to pay your fees online, please folllow the link under the Parent Resources tab on the left hand side of this page.