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One hot July Sunday morning a Preacher stands before
his congregation and says, "Anyone with need to be
prayed for, come forward to the front- to the alter!"
Harvey stands and makes his way to the line. Waiting
patiently, he leans on his walker until it is his turn. When
the Preacher gets to him, he asks, "Harvey, what do
you want me to pray about for you?"
Harvey replies: "Preacher, I need you to pray for
The Preacher closes his eyes and cups both hands over
Harvey's ears and prays. Then he grabs Harvey's ears and
pulls them back and forth and prays and prays. Finally,
he places one finger in each of Harvey's ears and prays
and prays and prays.
After a few minutes, the Preacher removes his hands,
looks at Harvey and whispers, "Harvey, how is your
Harvey looks around a little puzzled, leans in towards
the Preacher and says, "Why are you whispering,
Reverend, my hearing ain't until next Wednesday."
Photographs courtesy Audibel, Yaron Jeroen van Oostrom
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