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Harvest Kehilat Tnuvah
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The Harvest, Kehilat T'nuvah, is a Messianic Charismatic Congregation in Thornton, Colorado, just North of Downtown Denver.
Address8891 Poze Blvd Thornton, CO 80229-4652
Phone(303) 761-9948
The Online Presence Of The Harvest, Kehilat T'nuvah
The Harvest is a Messianic Charismatic congregation for Jews and Gentiles. We are located in Thornton, CO, just North of Denver. Join us for Shabbat this Saturday. Get Details

As Followers Of Yeshua The Messiah, We Are:
PASSIONATELY Pro-Yeshua! He is Emmanuel, God with us, the Torah made flesh!
PASSIONATELY Pro-Torah and therefore opposed to all theological paradigms which lead to Torah-less-ness among any and all believers!
PASSIONATELY Pro-Life and therefore radically defend the unalienable right to life for every human being, from the beginning of the biological development of that human being through natural death!
PASSIONATELY Pro-Biblical Marriage and therefore opposed to same-sex marriage and to all forms of sexual sin; from fornication and adultery to homosexuality and beastiality, as well as all other sexual perversions!
PASSIONATELY Pro-Israel and therefore opposed to dividing Haaretz, land of Israel!

Here are some of our fabulous photos! From Passover to Hannukah, we're celebrating the King of Kings all year round. Enjoy and Shalom!

Torah Time For Kidz!
Children are a blessing from God and are abundant in number at The Harvest! On Shabbat, children’s Torah classes are provided for 3-11 year olds and on Monday Night Live for 5-11 year olds. All our children’s classes are free and open to everyone attending Shabbat Service or Monday Night Live.

Sephardic Anusim Information
In recent years, many Sephardic Anusim have been reemerging in the Southwestern United States, namely New Mexico and Colorado. With their reemergence we are witnessing a prophecy unfold right before our eyes. What's more, we have the opportunity to participate in it! Read More

Mondays, 6:50 pm - 9:00 pm
Join us on Monday nights for one of the many classes offered. Classes are FREE with something for everyone in the family and childcare is available. Join us!

What does "Grafted In" mean?
Nearly 2000 years ago, the Apostle Paul found himself being challenged by the risen Yeshua (Jesus) on a most important mission. Our Lord chose to commission Paul, a Pharisaic Jew, with an urgent message to the Gentiles...

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by Torah Teacher Ariel ben-Lyman HaNaviy

Parashah: Vayeshev (He continued living)
Address: B'resheet (Genesis) 37:1-40:23
09Parashat Vayeshev.PDF

NEW (web view) 09Parashat Vayeshev.HTML

Class Discussion: Toward Understanding Sacrifices and Atonement.PDF

HOT TOPICS!! Class Discussion: Fellow Heirs by Tim Hegg
Class Audio Files 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Map To The Harvest - 8891 Poze Boulevard, Thornton, CO 80229
For step-by-step driving instructions, hold your mouse over, (but do not click on the Red Star representing our location. When the
menu box appears, click on the word "To". When the new page appears, type in your address, city and state, and then click "Get Directions". We look forward to seeing you! Blessings and shalom...


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