Springs Rehabilitation, PC is a group practice in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, specializing in the non-operative treatment and management of painful spinal disorders and other musculoskeletal conditions.
The physicians at Springs Rehabilitation are on staff at both the Memorial Hospital and Penrose Hospital systems.
We believe that the basis of our success has been our quality of patient care, combined with a high level of service provided to our referral sources. We make every effort to see newly referred patients within two weeks. Through expertise and appropriate testing, we are typically able to define specific diagnoses and therefore specific treatment plans. Our providers take the time to educate each patient about his or her diagnosis and the reasons behind our treatment plans. This is promptly communicated to the referring physician, who should have our office notes in hand within a week of the visit.
The staff of our Colorado Springs rehab centers is committed to excellence in patient care and customer service. Our first priority is ensuring your rapid recovery. Our comprehensive treatment program