To provide the finest educational experience for all of our children.
To provide developmentally appropriate academic curriculum and assessment.
To stimulate a life-time love of learning.
To build a solid sense of self-esteem, achievement and leadership.
To model Christian principles of behavior...sharing, caring, patience, honesty, forgiveness, kindness, and justice.
To help develop continuing values and friendships to last a lifetime.
To provide safe, clean and stimulating Centers that provide a healthy atmosphere to facilitate learning and ensure quality.
To add enrichment activities including: private swimming pools and splash park, dance, foreign language, music, FasTracKids, creative outside play spaces, sports camps and fun field trips.
To support positive family relationships.
To provide ongoing support where parents have a voice in their child's educational development.
To provide parents the very best care for their children and the peace of mind that follows in knowing their children are in safe, dedicated hands.
To lead the centers with certified and dedicated staff who have years of experience and education.
To provide training and mentoring in "model" child care facilities for Education students.
To expect the highest standards of integrity and leadership throughout the community for all of our staff