You Need to Know. The Choice is Yours. A new banking regulation may impact the way you use your debit card. As of August 15, 2010, we can no longer provide our automatic Bounce Protection Overdraft Privilege service on your everyday debit card purchases and ATM transactions. If you want this service, you will need to specifically request that Bounce Protection be continued on your account. Overdraft protection is an important safety net valued by many of our Customers in case of emergency. Watch this space for more information about this change and what you will need to do if you want to keep your Bounce Protection service.
focuses its attention on the needs of local families, businesses and farmers.
channels most of their loans to the neighborhoods where their depositors live and work, helping to keep the local communities vibrant and growing.
officers are accessible to their customers on site.
officers are deeply involved in local community affairs.
offers quick and flexible decision making on business loans, because decisions are made locally.
is itself a small business and understands the needs of small business owners. Their core concern is lending to small businesses.
The fabulous pictures in the header at the top of the page were provided to us by Bill Proud Photography.