Welcome to Nawei's Acupuncture Clinic
The internationally acclaimed Dr. Nawei Jiang founded Nawei's Acupuncture Clinic in 1999. Dr. Jiang and her talented and dedicated staff has been serving the community of ColoradoSprings successfully for last eight years. Many thousands of our patients have benefited physically, emotionally and spiritually from the treatments we provide. Read more »
Chinese Herbal Medication
In Chinese medicine, this is referred to as "differentiation". Doctor's formulas are used as teas or in capsule form, and they are often prescribed to provide a stabilizing link between acupuncture visits. Moxibustion, the stimulation of energy by the use of burning herbs, is also used. Like acupuncture, they effect changes in the energy balance of the body to restore health. Both acupuncture and traditional herbal formulas are powerful forms of Chinese medicine. ... Read more »
Feel Better The Natural Way
Also, acupuncture is part of the traditional medicine of China that includes herbal medicine, exercise, massage and diet. Specifically, acupuncture is a method of using fine needles to stimulate invisible lines of energy or Qi (pronounced "chee") running beneath the surface of the skin. This affects a change in the energy balance of the body and works to restore health.
Traditional Chinese Medicine includes acupuncture, exercise, massage, diet and herbal medicine. Our clinic uses traditional Chinese herbal formulas to treat each individual patient, based on the doctors analysis of the patient's symptoms, age, habits, body type, physical and emotion traits, and so on. Doctor Nawei attempts to put together an overall image of the patient to find the cause of the problem.
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The internationally acclaimed Dr. Nawei Jiang founded Naweis Acupuncture Clinic in 1999. Dr. Jiang and her talented, dedicated staff have been serving the community of Colorado Springs successfully for the last eight years. Many thousands of our patients have benefited physically, emotionally and spiritually from the treatments we provide. The degree of physical benefit for many of these patients has saved them from having to endure invasive medical treatments and expensive prescriptions. We are here and ready to help you heal in the serenity of our peaceful and calming clinic.
Nawei Jiang is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a licensed Acupuncturist who has developed a technique for the healing of certain eye problems. By using acupuncture to control and direct the flow of the body's energy, Dr.Nawei has been able to help patients with various health problems including eye disorders.
Jolina Sileski is a Certified Massage Therapist (CMT) and is certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Body Work (NCBTMB).
1800 30th Street, Suite 311, Ste A, Boulder, CO 80301
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