Producers CO-OP is locally owned and operated with 2 locations including full service stations
to serve you. A co-operative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to
meet their common economic, social, and
cultural needs and aspirations through a
jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual meeting of the Members of Producers CO-OP will be held on August 18, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. at the Olathe Store for the following purposes:
1. Financial Report of the Association
2. To elect 3 Members to the Board of
Directors for a three year term.
3. Report of the Board of Directors and
Management on operations.
4. Discuss and transact such other
business that may come before the
Association at this time.
IGrow is Colorado's premier producers and purveyors of the highest quality induction grow lights available on the market today. We proudly support the growing community with our evolutionary induction
111 N. Rubey Dr. Unit 1a Golden, CO 80403, United States