Experienced, aggressive trial attorneys.
Irwin & Boesen, P.C. is a law firm of experienced trial attorneys based in Denver, Colorado. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of people who have been seriously injured and need assistance at a critical point in their lives.
Free Case Evaluation
If you or a loved one has been injured by the negligence of another person or company, please contact us for an honest and fair evaluation of your case. (303) 320-1911
Avandia Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack
In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found the risk of a heart attack was increased 43 percent among those taking Avandia. There is also a 64 percent increased risk of dying from cardiovascular causes while taking the drug.
Fosamax May Cause Osteonecrosis
Marketed by pharmecutical giant Merck & Co., under the names of Fosamax, Actonel and Boniva, the commonly-prescribed cancer and osteprorsis drugs, known as bisphosphonates, have users reporting serious side effects including osteonecrosis, or death of the jaw.
VIOXX linked to increased risk of heart attack & strokes
The popular arthritis drug Vioxx was pulled off the shelves worldwide after a clinical study confirmed concerns that it raises the risk of heart attack and stroke, which can lead to serious and permanent injuries and death.