Extraordinary Chiropractic & Acupuncture Healthcare and Performance Enhancement in Summit County, Colorado
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Verve- The Healthier Energy Drink Alternative
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Massage Therapy & Structural Integration
Rapid Eye Technology: Claudia Bianca
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How do I know if my orthotic is working?
“What is Rapid Eye Technology?”Wednesday, August 4th at 6:00 to 7:15 PM,
264 Dillon Ridge Rd., Dillon, CO
Claudia Bianca, MRET and Rapid Eye Trainer shares her dynamic presentation on the Rapid Eye process which gently mimics REM sleep, (our bodies natural discharge mechanism) using blinking, breathing, and eye-movement techniques to release stress and trapped trauma without reliving the event. Private Sessions will be available August 5th and 6th in the Summit Chiropractic and Rehab, Dillon office. Call (575)751-4551 or (575)770 7766 for appointment availability.
How about some hots stones to soothe the bones?
Call 970 513 9234 to schedule an appointment for a hot stone massage!
Dr. Ivo F. Waerlop Dr. John M . Asthalter
We provide the highest standard of Chiropractic care to our patients.
We specialize in conservative management of many disorders, helping people to re-establish and maintain their optimal health, with a concentration on injury prevention and wellness.
We spend a great deal of time with our patients. An initial office visit includes:
appropriate labs or diagnostic tests
advanced imaging (if necessary)
If your diagnosis falls within our scope of practice and we think we can help you, we will begin treatment. If your diagnosis falls outside of our scope of practice or we do not think we can help you, we will refer you to a practitioner who can
testing length and strength of the involved musculature
palpating the involved joint motions and assessment of movement patterns
specific therapeutic exercises and stretches
Myofascial release (ischemic compression, post isometric relaxation, PNF)
electrical muscle stimulation
It is our goal to give every patient the tools to maintain their own health.
It is our premise that to adequately treat an indvidual, one must address joint motion and quality of motion, muscle function, the neurology which drives the musculature and the physiology that supports the human structure.
Synergy Health Care is founded on the belief that every person deserves compassion, respect, and integrity. We have developed the strategy that medicine requires the need to treat the human body as a
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2765 S. Parker Rd. Aurora, CO 80014, United States