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Free Mulch Now Available
Located at 5301 Pearl Parkway
3″ mulch made from yard waste dropped off at Western Disposal, is now available on the site where the old recycle center was located, 5301 Pearl Parkway (this address is not labeled). The site is east of 47th, west of 55th, and north of Pearl Parkway. Turn north onto the drive leading back to the site.
Please bring containers, gloves, and a shovel or pitchfork to load your mulch.
Boulder County North (Unincorporated)
Boulder County South with Food Scraps (Unincorporated)
Boulder County South with No Food Scraps (Unincorporated)
City of Boulder
City and County of Broomfield
City of Lafayette
City of Louisville
Town of Lyons
Town of Nederland and the Mountains West of Boulder