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Calvary Baptist Church of Denver
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Calvary is a unique autonomous church with distinctive characteristics and ministries serving God locally and globally in association with other
AddressE Hampden Ave & S Monado Blvd Lakewood, CO 80123
Phone(303) 757-8421
Read our newsletter

Weekly activities at Calvary

Children choirs rehearse, 8:30 am (+ Wed.)
Adult Choir rehearsal, 10:30 am
Spiritual Element youth choir, 8:30 am
Taizé at The Threshold, 5 pm

Prayer breakfast, 8 am
Women’s Bible study, 9:30 am

Wednesdays Together, 5:15 pm
ABYouth gather, 6:30 pm
Adult choir rehearsal, 6:30 pm

Sudanese Nuer language and sewing classes, 1 pm

Come and see

Calvary’s mission is to be a Christ-like community that experiences and shares God’s love.

Sundays at Calvary

9:30 am church school for all ages

Upcoming Sermons

What Matters Most:
Loving God, Loving Others, Serving the World
I Corinthians 16:15–18
Brian Henderson preaching

The Work We Do Together

Upcoming Events

Nov. 4, Sutterlin Circle, 10 am

Nov. 8, Bethel Circle, 10 am Myers Circle, 6:30 pm
Nov. 12, Stewardship dinner, 6 pm
Nov. 13, Modern Matures, noon
Nov. 15, Men’s Bible study, 7 pm Book group, 7:30 pm
Nov. 16, Council of Ministries, 6:30 pm Reed Circle, 7 pm
Nov.19, MOMentum, 9:30 am


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