We provide tremendous opportunities to open new doors to helpful, visible and encouraging changes. Experience truth in God's healing deep in your soul,
and determine his leading for your life in order to thrive. We believe that
each person was created uniquely to live out the gifts and passions God equipped you with for the blessing of all.
We specialize in helping people during one or two week intensive counseling sessions that empower, and unlock past issues so you can thrive in your family life and work relationships. Away from the stress of daily life the affects of change are multiplied.
Imagine Evergreen, Colorado. Where peaceful, serene and beautiful surroundings provide a great place to heal, relax and unwind.
Door of Hope recognizes that powerful and transcendent change can never be guaranteed by anyone, other than the individual pursuing such change. We believe that God calls us all to transformation, and then
provides the context necessary for long-term, redemptive change.
“...the God who started this great work in you would keep it and bring it to
a flourishing finish on the day Christ Jesus appears.” Phillipians 1:6