Home of Bonnie's BalmsPain Eraser,Healing Salve,
Face & Body Hydration*New ProductClimbers Salve & Bonnie'sBalms303-862-5407
Welcome! At BONNIE'S BALMS Ihave created a small family of 100% natural Healing & Pain Relieving Body Care Balms & Oils to help take some of the discomfort & pain out of the world.
I created this healing line for people I care about, you and me.MyCause is toerase pain & inflammation oneperson at a time, quickly & naturally. Whom ever I can touch with my balms will understand the benefits of using natural herbs &cold pressed oils in& on your body. I have been encouraged by my friends & fans to share my story with you.
So here it goes:
My grandfather was a botanist, herbalist, alchemist, bee keeper& a healer, my grandmotheran intuitive Blackfoot Indian. Grandpa was our medicine man in the family. Growing up my family was very close and my grandparents played an important role in the ways I look and feel about plants and herbal medicine. As a child, I was encouraged to learn about & experiment and trust in medicinal plants and their benefits. My mom had the biggest garden around & we survived quite well planning our meals around the bounty as it ripened. Icome from a large family in Kansas City, Missouri.My father was a talented painter with 7 kids.
As an adult, my passion lies in the study and experimentation of plants and natural healing. When we have an ailment within my family, I focus my studies on a relief remedy.Through testing different individual herbs I will find & dream what I seek. I have inherited my grandparents gifts, talents and passions as an herbalist, a healer, an alchemist and an entrepreneur. My father taught me to follow my dreams and to believe in myself. Today, I am following my dreams. BONNIES BALMS is my dream & so are you. Let me touch your life..
Mypartner, Richard Squire gave me the opportunity to do somethingthat empowers & drives me. He gave me an opportunity. Because of his guidance & support I am able tohelp others with my healing creations. I thank god we crossed paths and recognized each other.
BONNIES BALMS was established June 10, 2008. Since that time we have introducedour Brand of Natural Healingto 1,000's of people like you & me. You can find BONNIE'S BALMS in over 65 ColoradoRetail Stores & 5 outside states. 95% of our Ingredients come from Colorado Farmers.
We are 100% Family Owned & Operated.
BONNIES BALMS 100% Natural PainEraserTm,
Healing Salve and Lip Balms. Get yours today & rub it where it hurts!
I know your skin will heal quicker & your sore, taxed muscles will recover faster, so you canfocuson the important stuff.Having a good time!BONNIES BALMSPain Eraser, Healing Salve, Climbers Salve & Lip Balmswill provide youwith the relief you need withany muscleor skincareinjuries that crop up when you are out having the time of your life!
All of our products are 100% natural &made by hand...My hand.From my kitchen to you.I make all my healings products with love.***BONNIE'S BALMS MAKING MIRACLES FUNDRAISER BEGINS OCT 15 THRU DEC 15, 2010 at Locally Owned
Colorado Ace Hardware Stores***
"The Best Over-The-Counter Healer 2009"
Westword's 25th Anniversity Edition Hi! I am Bonnie, the founder of Bonnie's Balms located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. March 25,2009 our small company "Bonnie's Balms was chosen& awarded as"The Best Over-the-Counter Healer" by Westword in their special 25th Anniversity Edition of "Denvers Best of 2009".
Westword said we were going to be the next Burt's Bees! I have to tell you that "It, could, work!!!!' (Young Frankenstein). All of our products are 100% natural & hand made by my family & I, in our small kitchen. My Pain Eraser, Lip Balms & Healing Salves are some of the greatest healing products on the market today. Look and ask forBONNIE'S BALMS
at your Colorado Rocky Mountain ACE Hardware Stores, Sportsmen's
Expo's, Colorado Army Navy Surplus Stores, Climbing gyms & State Park
visitor centers all over the country, Day Spa's, Natural & Integrated Doctors, Massage Therapist, Chiropractors, Outdoor stores, Mountain shops & Natural Products Specialty storestoday! Written by Bonnie Searcy
Thank you very much for your generous Support of our "Ladies Night Event"! It wasterrific to have you there and very nice of you to contribute door prizes as well. Thanks to the help of vendor partners like you, we were able to have a fun event and support "Women in Need" in our community. We appreciate your support!
Ace Hardware Stores located in Colorado. Support Colorado Businesses & carry Colorado Proud brands
Ask for BONNIE'S BALMSat yourAce Hardware Stores today!
If your store doesn't carry BONNIE'S BALMS yet,askthem "Why Not?
Tell them you want some!!!!"