Our service dog registration process couldn't be simpler or quicker. We'll show you how to make your dog a service dog - and at an affordable cost. National Service Animal Registry makes the service dog registration process intuitive and gives you a variety of choices to fit any budget. Our professionally designed service dog and ESA registration kits, like our service dog and ESA products are USA-made - and we back them with a 100% money back guarantee. Click here to find out how to make your dog a service dog!Our Customer Support Specialists can answer all your questions about how to register your animal as a service, emotional support, or therapy animal. Every NSAR specialist is highly trained on the laws that affect you and your animal's rights, and can help prepare you. We can also help you with using our website to find exactly what you need. Simply complete the form below, talk to us on live chat, call us, or search our extensive knowledge database. We do our best to respond to inquiries within one business day and want to make sure all your questions are answered.
Essential Service Dog Registration Kit is only $54 | 100% No-Risk Guarantee! | Essential Service Dog Registration Kit is only $54 | 10