Safeguarding your employees and other personnel is essential to a productive and profitable organization. Through the use of SafeHaus HR products and services employers and business owners are able to rest assured that they are providing the best benefits and insurance coverage for their employees while remaining competitive in this stressed economic time. SafeHaus HR isa full service professional employer organization (PEO) that co-employs personnel with its clients. By using a PEO the employer may manage the day to day operations and employees leaving all of the human resources, paytoll, hiring, firing and disclipline to SafeHaus, or devise a plan to participate more actively in all the HR functions.
The staff of SafeHaus HR, LLC pride themselves with a long historyand experience of servicingsmall to mid-market companys with theirpersonnel needs in the Rocky Mountain Region. The Company's seasoned staff come from diverse backgrounds and experiences forming a well versed and competent group of professionals who are passionate about finding solutions to and resolvingHR and personnellissues.
The Company's services place an emphasis on all aspects of human resources, co-employment, payroll and personnel issues.