Empower Your Natural Healing Process
Chinese medicine, an ancient art of healing, employs many time-honored techniques that are used to stimulate the body to activate its self-healing powers.
In Asia, the use of acupuncture, moxibustion (a warming process) and herbal remedies have long been known to enhance the immune system and sense of well-being that are essential in keeping the body strong in its resistance to disease.
Jade Mountain Health is located in Boulder, Colorado, and was founded by Andrew Maloney, a licensed and board certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist.
Gynecology has a 3,000 year history of treating imbalances in women’s health and still plays a valuable role in modern society. Modern day imbalance, though altered by chemicals in the air and water as well hormones in food, has remained a strength in Chinese medicine.
I was tired of my situation. Tired of my Tai Chi teacher’s need to throw his students to the ground in order to demonstrate his prowess and infallible pride. I decided to take to the road, hitch hiking to the distant village of Luo Dong, and a clinic that I had only heard about through other practitioners of Chinese medicine.
Having a woman come into my office complaining of fatigue, dizziness, depression, and a lack of desire for anything outside of sleep after giving birth two months occurs often. This is a pattern that more and more women experience as modern day demands require that they return to work sometimes only days after giving birth. It never ceases to amaze me the power these women have to juggle so many demands and still stay sane and healthy.