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Aberdeen Bookstore
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This special limited edition of an all time classic on the war on the Eastern Front is based off the original British first edition.
Address3890 S Federal Blvd Englewood, CO 80110-3242
Phone(303) 795-1890
Three Panzer-Sicherungs-Kompanien (armoured security companies) were created from existing units during the summer of 1943 to be employed in case of Italy's exit from the war. From September 1943, they were used to disarm the Italian Army and later to fight partisans in areas of northern Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. In the spring of 1944, the three companies became part of a newly created tank unit, Panzer-Abteilung 208 (armoured unit number 208). This unit remained in northern Italy until the end of the year, when it was re-equipped with new weapons and sent to the Hungarian front. From late December 1944, the Abteilung was engaged in heavy defensive battles west of encircled Budapest, and in February 1945 it was involved in one of the last successful German offensives, conducted against the Gran Soviet bridgehead. In March 1945, the Abteilung was renamed I. Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment Feldherrnhalle" and fought its last battles in Hungary, Slovakia and Moravia as part of Panzer-Division Feldherrnhalle" 1. On 232 pages the book recounts in detail the little-known history of these units, based on extensive archive research and contributions from former unit members. It contains 380 extremely rare photographs (most not published before), document reproductions, graphics and maps. In addition, specific chapters also deal with related units: Panzer-Abteilung Adria", Panzer-Abteilung 212 in Italy, and Panzer-Einsatz-Kompanie Ligurien".

Many of the Stormtroopers saw themselves as the Kaiser's elite. The Sturmbataillone were Lehrtruppe and Kampftruppe, both teachers and battle troops, for the hardest assignments. The Stormtrooper was regarded as "the perfect form of the frontline fighter," described as follows: "He did not march with shouldered rifle, but with unslung carbine. His knees and elbows are protected by leather patches. He no longer wears a cartridge belt, but sticks his cartridges in his pocket. Crossed over his shoulder are two sacks for his hand grenades...Thus he moves from shell hole to shell hole through searing fire, shot and attack...hugging the ground like an animal, never daunted, never surprised...always shifting, cunning, always full of confidence in himself and his ability to handle any situation..." This publication aims at providing enthusiasts and experts with a unique look into the subject of Imperial German Assault Forces in World War One based on recent research in German archives. Illustrated with many hitherto unpublished photographs it describes the training, combat, uniforms, weapons and equipment of the soldiers, regarded as the ancestors of modern Special Forces. It also puts the German Sturmtruppen into context with the war on the Western Front and the stalemate in the trenches by providing extensive background information on general tactics and supporting units and equipment. illustrated with 165 black&white photographs and 48 colour photographs

This book is not meant to be neither a justification of the defects of the Italian armored nor a revisionist history, but on the contrary, consider many factors interwoven in a realistic and comprehensive overview. Although clearly the efforts of the Italian armor development have never reached the levels achieved by the Germans or the Americans, the Italians have made some first-class combat vehicles, particularly in regard to the material self-propelled, and have offered a substantial contribution to Axis operations in North Africa, the theater where they were used. The courage and the sacrifice of personal self-propelled artillery and tank crewman Italians are beyond doubt, especially given the disparity in numbers and technology to those who had to deal with. Illustrated throughout with b/w photos and color illustrations.

Soon after Germany invaded the Soviet Union, the leadership of the newly founded Independent State of Croatia expressed its desire to participate in this "crusade against Bolshevism". Hitler approved the request and so the Croatian Legion, consisting of volunteers from all three branches of the Croatian Armed Forces, was created. Its ground component, the 369th Reinforced (Croatian) Infantry Regiment, was the first to be formed. The Croatian legionaries participated in some of the most famous engagements of World War 2, including the first battle of Kharkov, Operation Fridericus, Plan Blau and finally the grim struggle for Stalingrad. The Regiment was the only non-German unit to participate in the attack on Stalin's city... the other allies were relegated to holding flanks. Initially, this was viewed as a great honour, a reward for its sacrifices and successes, proof that the Wehrmacht had full trust in the Regiment. However, this "honour" would demand the ultimate price. Croatian blood soaked Stalingrad's soil and four months later the unit's pitiful remnants were herded into captivity. Two Croatian sergeants managed to preserve the regimental archive by taking it with them on one of the last flights out of besieged Stalingrad. This unique collection, which includes war diaries, daily orders, combat reports and award recommendations, was the primary resource used to create this book. Additional records from German and Russian archives complete the picture. The Regiment's origins, formation, training and battles are examined in detail. Croatian Legion: The 369th Reinforced (Croatian) Infantry Regiment on the Eastern Front, 1941-1943 offers a unique perspective of the fighting on the Eastern Front through the eyes of a foreign volunteer unit.

$85.00* (estimate) expected January
Coming in 2011, at this point only a hundred or so copies are planned in English. I will provide more information as it becomes available. Please see the link below to the website:

Now available, the latest publication by Aberdeen Bookstore. An original title by widely published Tom Goodrich, whose manuscript was deemed too controversial for his other publishers to touch. The hardcover edition will be strictly held to 1500 copies, which is why the price is a tad on the high side, along with the fact it is a quality produced book. After the hardcover sells out there will be a trade paperback. Order early to get a numbered bookplate of 100 copies signed by the author.

It was the most deadly and destructive war in human history. Millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed, ancient cultures were reduced to rubble--World War II was truly man's greatest cataclysm. Thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war. There has never been such a terrible retelling of the story, however, as one will find in Hellstorm.

In a chilling "you-are-there" style, the author places the reader at the scene, in the moment. Throughout this book readers will see what Allied airman saw as they rained down death on German cities; or the reader will experience what those below experienced as they sat trembling in their bomb shelters awaiting that very same death from above. The reader will view up close the horrors of the Eastern Front during the last months of fighting and through the mud, blood and madness of combat they may come to understand how the same German soldiers, who only moments before had destroyed an enemy tank, could now risk their own lives to rescue the trapped Soviet crew inside. Readers will witness for themselves the fate of German women as the rampaging Red Army raped and murdered its way across Europe--all females, from "eight to eighty" feared the dreaded words, "Frau Komm." The worst nautical disasters in history which claimed thousands of lives, the greatest mass migration known to man in which millions perished, the fate of those wretched victims in post-war death camps and torture chambers, these and many other dark secrets of World War II now come to light in Hellstorm.

For those in New Zealand and proximity that had Eldred-Grigg's noxious screed forced down their throats, then this is a welcome counterpunch. You won't find any chapters on the history of Mongolian homosexuality in this book nor the author's (committed socialist to boot) obsession in linking miners to homosexual activity throughout the book without any solid documentation. His goal was typical of today's historians, make history fit ones agenda. As usual with this political correctness came all the laurels of academia and its ivory tower elites. Here's a book that documents actual history and bears little resemblance to the noxious ink of Eldred-Grigg.

A great account of not only New Zealand's gold mining but their own version of the Wild West. In his scholarly and colorful book, Hutchins tells of the Fossickers and Hatters who panned the streams with their tin dishes in hopes of finding paydirt instead of the new chum's gold, and of the bushrangers, swagmen, old lags, ticket-of-leave men and colorful characters who populated the camps. A thoroughly entertaining and well documented account.

The book covers all major variants and sub-variants including the KV-1, KV-1S, KV-85, KV-2, KV-8 and SU-152. It draws upon wartime Soviet documents and technical manuals, factory archive material and other primary source references to provide the most in-depth treatment of the KV series ever published. The majority of the photographs come from private sources and less than 10% have been previously published. They include rarely seen top views, interior photographs of the KV-1 and SU-152, along with previously unpublished photographs providing glimpses of the turret interior on the KV-2. The book is accompanied by a web site containing modeling-related information including kit reviews, lists of available after-market products and tweaks lists. By utilizing the web site to complement the book, the author and publisher can more easily include information about new kits and after-market products as they become available. 350 B+W photos, 12 pages of color profiles, 300 technical drawings, 50 pages of 1:35 scale drawings.

This special limited edition of an all time classic on the war on the Eastern Front is based off the original British first edition. The dust jacket, photos and fold out map are reproduced exactly here as the original. The only small changes are upgrades on the binding, paper and overall production in which no expense was spared. Launched with an immense invasion force of three million men, Germany's surprise attack against Russia in 1941 was planned by Hitler to crush the Soviets within eight weeks. Instead, hampered by major strategic errors, fanatical Soviet resistance, and the severity of Russian winters, "Operation Barbarossa" lingered on until, in 1943, The German fighting machine finally broke down at Stalingrad in one of the most shattering defeats of the century. Rarely has this war of attrition be reconstructed in such authentic detail and with such starkly dramatic effects as it is in this account. Paul Carell, basing his story on official military records, the memoirs of commanders in both German and Russian armies, and extensive conversations with survivors of all ranks, has drawn an objective, extraordinary vivid pictures of a struggle which, in the size of the forces involved and the ferocity of the fighting, was unparalleled in the history of the war. Along "the greatest front in world history" three armoured spearheads advanced simultaneously in a Blitzkrieg aimed at the vital centers of Russia. Their superior direction of operations, the daring mobility of the Panzer Corps, and the toughness of the troops swept the Germans to within 60 miles of Moscow. But in 1942, while his generals were urging a direct attack upon the capital, Hitler ordered them to concentrate upon a drive south into the Ukraine and towards the oil of the Caucasus. The Germans rapidly penetrated as far as Stalingrad on the River Volga, and Hitler became obsessed with the necessity of capturing the city. By September his troops were fighting in its streets. But the Russians resisted heroically, and after breaking out from the city, encircled and captured a number of German divisions and high-ranking officers. It was this sudden collapse at Stalingrad which turned the tide of the war in Russia. Paul Carell demonstrates clearly in this definitive account the strategic issues of the Campaign, its origins and significance, Hitler's tactical blunders and his generals' achievements in spite of them. Includes stunning color and black and white photographs, that have easily stood the test of time in their dramatic appeal.

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Since you popped onto this page, I guess you may be a bit curious to find out who the bozo is that is running this show. I started 16 years ago issuing my first crudely made catalog that was sent out in the mail. Then 14 years ago after working the trade to fatten other people's wallets, I opened my own bookshop. Not only do I have the new books you see here, but a general used bookstore of around 30,000 hardcover books with a specialty in history. Then about 11 years ago I started my first website with Stone and Stone, and since then things have really been on the upswing, and no longer was the daily lunch at Taco Bell of one tostada a necessity. (It isn't easy starting your own bookstore, romantic as it sounds working around old and rare books, you live on a starvation diet at first, and if lucky and you know what you are doing, gradually things improve) What does this mean to you? Well I still personally handle every order you place from start to finish as well as answer any questions. I am still the customer service department, the order department and the shipping department, I do it all baby. I package books with great care so no matter where you live, the books should arrive safely. In all these years of mail order, only a handful of times has a book arrived damaged. I also realized my next goal of publishing and my first two books, reprints of the two most rare German WWII memoirs, Doctor At Stalingrad and Daedalus Returned have been published in 1000 copy editions. It has been a lot of work, and often it nearly overwhelms me, but I refuse to take on help and trust your order or concerns with somebody else, I am a bit paranoid that way you see, and if it comes from Aberdeen, then it has to meet my highest standards. I am a book reader and collector myself, I provide what I would expect to receive. Another tremendous benefit for me is meeting all sorts of nice people from around the globe. This winter I also added the Snow Beast, so when those in Australia are sitting back at the barby, not understanding the blizzards going on here, they can still call and I'll be at work.


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