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Capitol Hill Books
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Don’t worry. We’re not ignoring our books to push cards and magnets.
Address300 E Colfax Ave Denver, CO 80203-1816
Phone(303) 837-0700
Really restocking our clearance section. Great selection of books from .50 to $2.00! about 8 hours ago from Seesmic twhirl
Remeber to support small business Saturday. If you mention that you'll get a 10% discount on used books today: 05:11:29 PM November 27, 2010 from Seesmic twhirl

30 years 5280 amazon awards bargain best used book store bicycles bike to work day bios books Capitol Hill Books carts cheap colorado commuting database Denver discounts Dogs factoids frugal gift certificates gifts goodbyes Holly incompetence inventory julio meghan michael jackson movie tickets pets photos pub quiz Reading RTD silly st. louis Staff tom Tom Clancy trivia ukulele walk score website

After you gorge yourself on the black Friday sales at the big boxes, remember your local small businesses during the holiday season. Small businesses like Capitol Hill Books often offer a more unique selection, better customer service and even better discounts than the mall.

And best of all, small businesses keep our community active and vibrant. Just imagine Colfax, Highlands Square or South Broadway without the hundreds of small businesses that keep these areas so uniquely Denver.
There is actually a national trend to support “Small Business Saturday,” as a day to go out and share the love of your favorite small businesses all across the country.
So this Saturday, November 27, Capitol Hill Books is getting on the “Small Business Saturday” bandwagon and offering a 10 percent discount on used books for anyone who mentions small business Saturday to us. So get out there and support your local small businesses and all the holiday cheer they give to our communities.

Our team name was "The Grant Administrtaion." 500 geek points for anyone who knows why.

The gang of five met up at the old saloon to figure out if they had what it takes to win the competition of a lifetime. They trained hard all season; constantly barraging each other with trivial facts while they “worked” at a bookstore. The team couldn’t even use the bathroom without encountering a daily dose of knowledge.
And on Monday, November 15 all those weeks of training paid off and “The Grant Administration” trivia team triumphed over all pretenders (including a three-time Jeopardy! champion) at the Wyman’s trivia face-off.
The competition first tested our knowledge of the opening lines of popular musical arrangements. We knew all but the first line to Ray Parker’s “Ghostbusters” which turned out to be “If” instead of “When.”

Team member John showed he knows his devilish songs and Holly knows the transportation systems that killed many of her favorite celebrities. But unfortunately we have a lot to learn about shacks and Shaqs, as we only got three points out of eight on that round.
We rebounded nicely with a perfect round identifying celebrities named for creatures and our teammate Ben showed he was a pinch player with his outstanding knowledge of card games. Some good guesswork helped us in an audio round where we had to identify live-action children television programs. That’s so Raven, indeed.
But despite our fair successes at the night’s trivia, we were still in second place going into the final round of the competition: Random knowledge. Yet our knowledge of celebrity centenarians, Botswanan barrens and orthodox orthography led us to a stunning one-point victory!
So other pub quiz teams should watch out for the gang at Capitol Hill Books. Weeks of being surrounded by books has paid off in the knowledge department and we are ready to again meet other quiz teams in trivial battle.

We love movies at Capitol Hill Books. I for one am an opposite reader. I’ll watch a movie and immediately want to read the book it’s adapted from. “Wow!” I said after watching Jurassic Park. “I want to read that.”
We have absolutely no problem helping people who think the same way. Whether watching a movie makes you want to read a book or if you want to prepare yourself for the fall movie season by being able to compare “The Social Network” to Ben Mezrich’s “Accidental Billionaires: The Story of Facebook,” we got exactly what you need.
In fact, we can even get you free tickets to some movies. We just got free passes to an upcoming screening of the Clint Eastwood movie “Hereafter,” starring Matt Damon. We’re super grateful to Warner Bros. for providing these wonderful free screener tickets for our customers (while supplies last). And if you’re interested in the “Hereafter” after watching “Hereafter,” we have many books about amazing psychic exploration of the afterlife.
We also have Aron Ralston’s book “Between a Rock and Hard Place,” soon to be made into “127 Hours,” a movie starring James Franco and directed by Danny Boyle or “Slumdog Millionaire.” We also have Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” which will be adapted by the creative visionary Julie Taymor.
So this fall and winter, be sure to check out the stories behind your favorite movies at Capitol Hill Books.

We’ve had an absolutely great summer here at Capitol Hill Books. We’re so happy that people seem to appreciate our little used bookstore after more than 30 years in business. Now that it’s the end of summer, we’ve made a few little improvements and added some new products for our customers. We’ll let the pictures show the story on this one.

We’ve added some more fun products for our customers including “optic bookmarks” that change when your perspective does, fun, beaded pen covers in explosive colors, inexpensive notebooks hand dyed by Indonesian free-trade artisans, locally produced buttons featuring artistic drawings of your favorite authors along with thought-provoking quotes, new post cards and greeting cards with bold images and even bolder messages and of course our popular and hilarious magnets.
We also continue to carry reading glasses in a variety of strengths and fun designs. Here are some fun new wardrobe magnets that allow you to dress up or down Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Come on in and put Einstein into a chicken suit.
Don’t worry. We’re not ignoring our books to push cards and magnets. We love our little inexpensive gift items, but we know that a bookstore still needs to be about the books. That is why we continue to work to make our bookstore more organized and easy to use for our customers. We recently added small alphabetic placards throughout many of our shelves to show customers exactly where author Trezza Azzopardi ends and author Isaac Babel begins. Yes, we have begun to alphabetize many of our most popular sections including fiction (both hardcover and small paperback), mystery, speculative fiction, and psychology. We hope that these placards will make it easier for our customers to find what they are looking for, but of course our staff is always ready to answer any questions.
We appreciate that our customers keep returning to our store and just want to let them know that we will keep striving to make the customer experience better. And that means hearing from you. Please let us know if you’d like to see any other changes at Capitol Hill Books. While we may not always be able to accommodate every suggestion, we’ll definitely take it seriously and try to figure out how we can make improvements. So go the comment button, use our posted e-mail to send us a message, or simply come in the store and tell us what we can do to make the store work better for you.

Capitol Hill Books is a proud member of the Rocky Mountain Antiquarian Booksellers Association or RMABA. Members of this group are among the highest quality sellers of rare and antiquarian books in the country.
On August 6th and 7th, RMABA is putting on its annual Rocky Mountain Book and Paper Fair at the Denver Merchandise Mart. The fair is one of the nation’s premier events for anyone interested in collecting quality antiquarian books and ephemera. And although Capitol Hill Books will not be able to attend this year’s fair, we strongly encourage people to check out the merchants that will be in attendance.
And for people who are in Denver to check out the festival, we’d love for you to stop by Capitol Hill Books. Even though we won’t be selling at the fair, we still have a great selection of rare and antiquarian books including more than two dozen books published in the 1800s. And even in this digital age, holding a decades or even centuries old book is a thing of beauty.

For the second year in a row, the reader’s of 5280 Magazine have voted Capitol Hill Books as the best used bookstore in Denver. We’re proud to continue receiving awards after 30 years at our wonderful location, which as 5280 noted is “situated between a gritty stretch of Colfax and the more polished veneer of downtown.”
We’re just happy to have customers that appreciate our “Perfectly cluttered bookshelves,” and keep returning to our store even when new technologies present entirely different reading options than we can offer.
So again thank you 5280 Magazine, its readers and to our customers who continue to value books and our bookstore throughout our 30 years in business.

Tags: 30 years, 5280, awards, best used book store, Capitol Hill Books, Denver, Reading

Everyone knows about Google’s “Street view,” the awesome Google application that lets you cruise city streets without leaving your computer screen.
Google is now expanding their street views to include interior photography of the businesses seen along the way. We’re happy that Google has chosen Capitol Hill Books as one of the first businesses in Denver to be photographed for this new project. Today, the Google photographer came into the store to take a look around and use her state-of-the-art 360 degree camera to show what it is like walking through our store (She was a quite nice person as well and the Google people were really great and communicative about the project to us.).

But why did Google choose our store? Well our prominent location for sure, but also because of our above average number of Google searches for our store that actually led people to our site. Our own internal statistics show more than 35,000 hits since we upgraded this site a year ago.
So on the one year anniversary of our new, improved (additional props to former employee, Tom for originally putting this site together), we just want to thank our customers for continuing to use the website. We continue to improve because of them.

Just a few weeks ago we introduced a new product at Capitol Hill Books, a book bag made from recycled plastic that is perfect for almost any errand.
Now there is another incentive to buy these awesome bags: They’ll save you money! Starting now, anybody who purchases books in the store with our red book bags will get an automatic 10 percent discount good on any used books in the store.
Before we get too generous, we should say that our customers can only use one discount at a time, so those with frequent shopper cards cannot combine discounts. And of course the discount is only good for those who purchase books instead of use trade credit, but other than that, there are no more catches or caveats. Buy one of our red book bags for $3.95 and get 10 percent off your used book purchases every time you bring it to Capitol Hill Books. It’s our way of rewarding customers for reducing their use of plastic bags and helping spread the word of Capitol Hill Books across the land.

Tags: Better Read than Dead, Book bags, Capitol Hill Books, discounts, frugal, Savings

The entrance to our wonderful store at the corner of Colfax Avenue and Grant Street.

In Denver for the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) conference this week? Need something else to occupy your time in between the conference presentations? Want to get a real sense of Denver literary history?
Then come to Capitol Hill Books, located at Grant and Colfax and only a short walk from the conference at the Colorado Convention Center. Clicking here will show you exactly where we are located.
Capitol Hill Books is a literary institution in Denver, located at the same Colfax corner for more than 30 years. We love writers and readers of all types and enjoy finding the perfect book for our customers. We have Denver’s largest database of used books right on this Web site, so you can see what we carry before you make the trek over here.
Best of all, all AWP conference attendees get a 10 percent discount for any purchase at the store. Just provide some type of identification from the conference before we ring up your purchase. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Tags: AWP conference, Capitol Hill Books, Denver, Denver literary history, discounts

Capitol Hill Books just got a great new product for all you book lovers out there: an inexpensive book bag made of recycled plastic.
We worked with the good folks at to create our one-of-a-kind bags that will make you the envy of every book club. Capitol Hill Book’s owner Holly designed the Edward Gorey inspired graphic after the staff came up with the awesome slogan “Better Read than Dead.”

As shown on our bag, Death takes a holiday to catch up with some of his favorite books at the local cemetery with his buddy, the Raven from Edgar Allen Poe’s macabre poem keeping watch.
Our bags are a bit bigger than many standard totes: At 12″ high by 16″ wide and 5.5″ deep, it can hold quite a few books and plenty of groceries, gym clothes or whatever else you need to carry. The bags also have long, 28″ straps, making them easy to carry around your shoulders. And the vibrant red coloring means you’ll probably never have a problem trying to find your bag when you need it.
Go green and show your appreciation of one of Denver’s most endearing and unique independent businesses with these one-of-a-kind bags. We promise that they’ll be a great collector’s item from cradle to grave.

Tags: Bookbags, Capitol Hill Books, Collector's items., Denver, Holly, Indpendent Businesses
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